Investment on yourself: US$109

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Open Q&A and a glimpse of how it is to work with me long term.

October 17-21 at 11 am HST.

This class is for you if you are either one of these or a combination of:

 A parent wanting to be more patient with your kids and be a better example for them.

 An entrepreneur who wants to find more balance in your life without feeling guilty about spending too much time on your business or too much time with your kids.

A man/woman ready to heal your relationships (mom, dad, partners, etc) to create awakened ones.

A man/woman who wants to make a smooth transition between a job and an entrepreneurial life.

 ✅ A single parent wanting to create more time for your needs without sacrificing the time for the rest of your activities.

  ✅ An entrepreneur opening up to learning or deepening your knowledge about energy, healing, spirituality, meditation, etc.

This Masterclass Starts In


In this Masterclass You Will Learn HOW TO:

- Connect with your higher self so that you get aligned with your life’s purpose.  

- Detoxify your mind and calm your ego.  

- Focus and create better experiences for you from an aligned mindset.

- Listen to your body and understand what it’s telling you so that you don't feel guilty or uncertain about some decisions.  

- Decluttering your mind and your physical space to create something new.

Also, HOW TO:

- Get back to balance in any situation so that you don't waste time and energy.  

- Make changes smoothly in your life without disruption.

Don't miss out. Sign up for the Masterclass Today!
